Leathertex Laboratory - an expert in leather testing!
Tensile testing machine

  • BDS EN ISO 2062
    Determination of breaking strength and elongation at break of yarns with a testing machine with a constant increase in the rate of deformation of the specimen

  • BDS  EN ISO 13934-1
    Determination of ultimate strength and elongation at ultimate strength by the whole strip method

  • BDS EN ISO 13935-1
    Determination of maximum suture breaking strength using the Strip method

  • BDS EN ISO 13937-2
    Determination of tear strength of a trouser-shaped test specimen

  • BDS EN ISO 13937-4
    Determination of tear strength of a tongue-shaped test specimen (double tear method)

  • BDS EN ISO 1421
    Rubber or plastic-coated fabrics: determination of tensile strength and elongation at break

  • BDS EN ISO 4674-1
    Rubber or plastic-coated fabrics: determination of tear resistance. Constant tearing rate method

  • BDS 13307
    Knitted products. Seam test methods

  • BDS EN ISO 9073-4
    Nonwovens. Test methods. Part 4: determination of tear strength by trapezoidal procedure

  • BDS ЕN ISО 3376
    Treated leathers. Physical and mechanical tests to determine tensile strength and relative elongation at break

  • BDS ЕN ISО 3377-1
    Treated leathers. Physical and mechanical tests to determine tearing strength. Part 1: tearing at one end
  • BDS ЕN ISО 3377-2
    Treated leathers. Physical and mechanical tests to determine tearing strength. Part 2: tearing two ends apart
  • BDS EN ISO 17708
    Shoes. Methods of testing a finished shoe. Bonding strength of the shoe to the sole
  • BDS EN ISO 17697
    Shoes. Test methods for shoes, linings and insoles. Seam strength
  • EN 16732, ANNEXES G,D,H,I,B,C
    Zippers. Strength tests